Leading Productivity – series introduction
In this series, I’ll be reflecting on the challenges of productivity in our current work culture, with a particular focus on the impact on leadership at all levels of the organisation. Much as been made and written about the benefits of technology, and connectivity software in particular, for productivity (especially across geographically remote teams) and we’ll unpack this in some detail in one of the posts. I’ll discuss my own experiments with productivity both personally and for the business I lead, and examples of productive leadership dilemmas drawn from my and the 4i Coaching participants, as well as my usual reference of the books, journals and academic articles which I have found to be most insightful.

Personally, I have found both myself and my coaching participants to be clearly impacted by productive work practices, on both ends of the positivity/negativity scale, and often where the work features on this scale is at odds with much of what we find to be ‘optimal’ in the modern work place.
In my experience coaching across the leadership bandwidth, whilst I’ve seen leaders at all levels struggle with the productivity battle, I’ve often found that those in the middle-management levels (especially those recently promoted to this level) are fighting the toughest duel of all. Pulled in all directions, and often personally at odds managing former peers and learning how to balance making themselves available with defending the time to complete all the tasks of management. Those at this level in your organisation, or you yourself if this is where you are currently working, may find the most beneficial from the ground covered in this series – although I hope that there will be some help for all. If not, please get in touch as you’ll be able to teach me a thing or two!
I hope you enjoy the series and as always I look forward to your comments and thoughts.
All the best,