Know. Like. Trust. Blah.Blah. Blah. #Cheesy

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We’ve all heard some version of the mantra that People prefer to do business with people they Know, Like and Trust. Blah, Blah, Blah #Cheesy – you say. So what? You Ask.
Well, here’s what. Something is often missing when people try to apply the Know, Like, Trust principle. Focus. A recurring theme among business leaders and professionals is their ambiguity and lack of planning on clarifying their individual personalised reasons for wanting to be Known, Liked and Trusted.
Many people assume Financial gain is a primary driver (some may say the only driver) for being Known, Liked and Trusted in business. This is true in some cases, with recent examples of Public Leaders, Corruption and Corporate Greed often reinforcing this stereotype. Financial gain is an outcome, and most leaders are on a quest to fulfil a higher purpose, or a more noble cause than money.
Most of us seek to be Known, Liked and Trusted for more than money – we may be seeking to achieve a connection with other likeminded people, creating movements to create change for a higher purpose or to fulfil our personal quest for our own holy grail of self-actualisation.
Here are some #NonCheesy topical discussion points with thought-starter quotes, that you can use for purposeful individual self-reflection or with others at your next Sales Strategy Meeting, Leadership Offsite or Client Coaching Conversation.
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” – Simon Sinek
- Brand: What do you want to be Known for? Why?
- Dealbreakers: What do you want to not be Known for? Why?
- Tribe: Who do you want to be talking to? Why? Why Not?
- Distractions: Who do you want to not be talking to? Why? Why Not?
- Help: Who really needs your knowledge and skills? Why?
- Connection: How do you find and connect with those people? Why?
“Seek First to Understand, then to be understood” – Stephen Covey
- Value: What ideas or communications are you sending? Why?
- Understand: What motivates your team/clients? Why?
- Authentic: Is what you are talking about Genuine? Why?
- Focus: Who do you like to talk about more – yourself or others? Why?
- Awareness: How do you respond when somebody disagrees with you? Why?
“To thine own self be true” – Hamlet, Shakespeare
- Consistent: Is what you are doing and saying consistent? Prove it.
- Relevant: Is what you are doing relevant to what other people care about? Why?
- Transparency: Who are you really? Why? Prove it
- Accessible: Can people reach you easily? Why? Why Not?
- Guarantee: How do you make amends for broken promises or commitments not met? Why?