Insights > A Year of Better Questions
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Welcome to a Year of Better Questions.

In 2021 we’re going to be exploring one of the major themes that emerged for us last year – curiosity.

On so many occasions both in our own lived experience as leaders, and in our work supporting and enhancing leaders throughout the year, we found a consistent thread of curiosity being a vital capability in successful leaders.

Repeatedly in our work we recognised that the willingness to be open minded, interest in the perspectives of others and prepared to seek new insights and information to challenge what had been done before and innovate and adapt new ways forward.

In order to both explore this further, and provide you with insights and reflections that we hope will benefit you’re leadership, we’ll spend the year examining how asking better questions can create better leaders, and how those leaders can in turn go on to create a better world.

We hope you’ll join us for the Year of Better Questions. #betterquestions #ayearofbetterquestions