Insights > A Year of Better Questions
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What role are you choosing to play?

The role you choose to play defines you in many ways.

Are you choosing be a leader, or a follower?

Are you a coach who nurtures, or an instructor who shows?

Do you show up to ask, or to tell?

Do you embody someone who demands and expects, or serves and provides?

These choice stems from your intentions. From your purpose. From your values.

All of these you define individually, and ideally align within your team and optimally within your organisation and even your global connections. We can also consider how we flow through varying roles, shifting our behaviours and approaches to adapt and influence in novel ways as we encounter novel or uncertain contexts.

What role are you choosing to play right now I wonder?

Would you be willing to create some space to explore for yourself how that role is serving you, those you lead, and those you love?