Insights > Better World Leaders
Listen  43 mins

Pedro Aguirre shares how to plant seeds and grow the next generation of change makers

Episode 46 of Better World Leaders

This is a fast-paced, concise and direct message from a leader who has devoted their career to enabling leaders to activate their potential and amplify their impact at very early stages in both life and career.

Pedro Aguirre personifies an action-based leader, stepping away from the conventional career trajectory his initial studies set for him, and venturing into social enterprise entrepreneurship and social impact stewardship. Having lived and worked across 4 different continents, he has experienced first hand the universality of intentions to create a better world, and learnt how to nurture diversity through collaboration and shared values.

I really enjoyed this delightful exchange with a leader who keeps complex concepts to a minimum, focuses on what’s most important and shows time and time again that providing access to innovation, pathways to activate potential and taking every opportunity to plant seeds that will germinate to grow the future generation of change-making Better World Leaders is not only possible but necessary to sustain the changes we need in our world.

Key out-takes from this episode;

Nurturing capability

  • We are building the next generation of change makers
  • We try to plant seeds deep so they can go on and make change
  • We plant the seeds, people make the difference

Collective collaboration

  • I saw people from all over the world working together towards a shared vision to make the world a better place
  • Focus on Collaboration. Focus on financial and environmental sustainability
  • We have a fighting chance to create a liveable world for everyone

Be in Place & Begin Now

  • Everyone can use their skills where they are right now
  • If you wait until the perfect time to start nothing will ever happen

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Episode Pages for this episode and all previous Better World Leaders conversations available here;

As always, great thanks and appreciation to the team who contributed to bringing Better World Leaders to you;

To Brendan Ward for mastering, final production, composition and performance of original music throughout each episode.

To Cooper, Pat and the team at RadioHub studios for audio editing, technical support and creative guidance during the episodes that are recorded face-to-face. You can find out about Radio Hub’s services here –

To NokNok Studios for website design, hosting and advice. Find out about NokNok’s awesome services here

To Cirasa Design for logo and site graphics – Find our about Cirasa’s inspiring work here