Giles Hutchins shares how to create life affirming value propositions, regenerative cultures and future-fit organisations
From the first moment I was in dialogue with today’s guest, I felt a warmth, a sincerity of curiosity and a genuineness of intention.
Being with Giles Hutchins in deep dialogue building up to this conversation, during and beyond it as we’ve begun to walk a shared path, I’ve come to appreciate a depth of will to hold well intentioned folk such as myself as we shift, unravel and re-weave ourselves and our organisations into more regenerative beings and networks.
This is complex, meaningful, challenging and often confronting work, as I have myself experienced in my own journey of becoming a regenerative leader.
Giles has been deeply immersed in this work for many years, and carries a kindness and intensive that I’ve personally found to be both tender and revealing. He has worked with organisations of many sizes, ilks and orientations across the globe and is sought out as a regenerative coach, facilitator and speaker.
I have so very much benefited from being in conversation with Giles, and to working directly with him enabling my own development, which this conversation was in many ways to beginning of.
I’m very much looking forward to sharing this conversation with you, and to invite you to engage with Giles’ wisdom and the frameworks for your own development which he offers here.
Key Frameworks introduced:
– Worldview shift from Degenerative to Regenerative
– Levels of Leadership
– Panarchy Cycle
– DEE – Developmental, Emergent, Evolutionary
– 3S, Stillness, Surrender, Sensitivity.
Key Concepts discussed:
– Wisdom of Life & Nature
– Enabling adaption & transformation
– Working with organisations to become regenerative
Key Prompts provided:
Suggested practices recommended:
- Explore the 3S framework for yourself, considering for yourself how you can practice stillness, surrender and sensitivity.
Tim’s additional resources;
Reflection article – Medium – https://medium.com/@timcollings-betterworldleaders/reflections-on-being-in-conversation-with-giles-hutchins-47f26f8cbe43
Reflection video – YouTube – https://youtu.be/SPGqoB3utGk
60 Seconds Stillness series – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBk0JIL3oalwG8DjbgxweTLuulJ0P5MZ-
Engage with Giles’s work here:
– https://www.linkedin.com/in/giles-hutchins-015a7b/
Leading by Nature podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leading-by-nature/id1620178610
Nature of Business blog – https://thenatureofbusiness.org/
Upcoming talks & events;Climate Coaching Alliance keynote on Regenerative Leadership Consciousness – https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/event/regenerative-leadership-consciousness/