Ignite – the next 4i of leadership
Igniting your potential.
How do you do this as a leader?
That’s the topic of this week’s focus, and the second of the 4 I’s of leadership – Ignite.
For us at 4i, igniting leadership potential is a process.
It begins in the first I, Imagine, as you look far ahead to establish what you want to be remembered for, which helps define your purpose.
Building on that purpose to establish intrinsic motivation, you then proceed to understand what capabilities and skills you need as a leader to allow you to consistently behave according to your values in pursuit of your purpose.
Sounds simple right? Well, it might just be that simple. The trick of course is how do you interpret the capabilities and skills you need, reading the terrain ahead in the even changing and increasingly complex world of future leadership, and then establish frameworks and methodologies to build and embed the values-driven behaviours.
Do that, and you’ll ignite your potential to lead at the greatest of your abilities and achieve your purpose.