Sponsor Success – The Whats and Hows for Business Improvement Projects
The trouble with Lean Six Sigma is that there is an awful lot written and discussed about the organisational deployment models, successes and failures, and how to run projects as a Green and Black Belt.
But how do you sponsor a project? With sponsor SUCCESS, you’ll understand what you need to do to successfully sponsor a project and then how best to do it.
You will discover how to facilitate change when people have to adopt new ways of working that are a significant departure from their current practices.
sponsor SUCCESS will help you understand what questions to ask to:
- Help successfully implement change
- Ensure the root causes are fixed
- Build leadership support
- Engage others to make the improvements stick
- Help develop people to deliver process improvements more effectively.
All proceeds from this book go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF Australia).
Available on Amazon.